Andrew Mercer Reformatory Records
Do you need assistance locating records of your deceased relative incarcerated at the Mercer Reformatory or the Girls Industrial Refuge?
Very early records are sparse and later records are more abundant. We may be able to help you locate records, or assist you by writing a Freedom of Information (FOI) to request records.
See contact page on how to reach us.
Criminalized and Incarcerated Project
The goal of the Criminalized and Incarcerated Project, is to document and map the forgotten women and girls who were incarcerated at the Andrew Mercer Reformatory in Toronto, Ontario.
The Andrew Mercer Reformatory was open from 1880 to 1969, in what is now known as Liberty Village, located in Toronto at King W. and Liberty Streets. The site was also home to other institutions of incarceration, including the Toronto Central Prison. Liberty Street was the first street those released from the institutions would walk once freed.
The province of Ontario arrested and detained over 20, 000 women and girls for reasons we would never agree with today, and which were highly questionable even at that time. These women and girls often served indeterminate sentences, without trial or appeal. Ostensibly, they were to be “reformed” and taught to lead more moral and useful lives through cooking, baking and cleaning. However, the truth is that they were mandated to work in the Mercer for for-profit factories, suffered under deplorable conditions, were punished with extreme deprivation in the dungeon, endured disciplinary strappings and underwent medical procedures and experiments without consent.
Many women and girls gave birth while incarcerated at the Mercer, either in the institution or at the local hospital. They were often permanently separated from their children. Older children were contracted into domestic or farm service and younger children were placed elsewhere, often fostered or adopted. In many cases, babies born of incarcerated mothers have had their birth history erased of any connection to the reformatory.
The Criminalized and Incarcerated Project endeavours to create a record of those women and girls and their children, a piece of the puzzle correcting the erasure of their experience, to assist them or their descendants in reclaiming their history. We hope that it will assist people in connecting with or rebuilding families and in connecting with others with similar histories. We hope you find it helpful and look forward to connecting with you.
1931 Census
Below is a list of women, girls and babies who were imprisoned at Mercer during their enumeration for the 1931 Census. If you see any errors or can decipher the names we could not, please let us know!
To compare our list with the original digitized copies click here on the 1931 Census to view on Library and Archives Canada website. Use the following options to locate the Mercer Reformatory census.

1931 Census – Andrew Mercer Reformatory
Image | Line | Surname | Name | Relationship to head of family or household | Sex | Place of birth person | Racial origins |
2 | 1 | scott | letitia | supt | f | ireland | irish |
2 | 2 | scott | george william | son | m | ireland | irish |
2 | 3 | scott | sarah | daughter | f | ireland | irish |
2 | 4 | scott | thomas archibald | son | m | ireland | irish |
2 | 5 | alderdice? | mabel | attendant | f | ireland | irish |
2 | 6 | beith | agnes | attendant | f | scotland | scottish |
2 | 7 | bolger | kate | attendant | f | ont | irish |
2 | 8 | breadon | sarah | attendant | f | ireland | irish |
2 | 9 | elder | rebecca | attendant | f | ireland | irish |
2 | 10 | ferrier | charlotte | attendant | f | ont | english |
2 | 11 | graham | linda | attendant | f | ont | scottish |
2 | 12 | ingram | maria | attendant | f | england | english |
2 | 13 | jarvis | ruth | attendant | f | england | english |
2 | 14 | lawler | fanny | attendant | f | ireland | irish |
2 | 15 | libby | katherine | attendant | f | ont | english |
2 | 16 | milne | jean | nurse | f | scotland | scottish |
2 | 17 | miles | mary | Forelady | f | ont | scottish |
2 | 18 | mckay | isabel | attendant | f | ireland | irish |
2 | 19 | nolan | sarah | attendant | f | ont | irish |
2 | 20 | oliver | june | attendant | f | ont | english |
2 | 21 | phillips | elizabeth | attendant | f | ireland | irish |
2 | 22 | secord | sybil | attendant | f | ont | scottish |
2 | 23 | secord | majorie | lodger | f | ont | english |
2 | 24 | stoate? | gertrude | attendant | f | england | english |
2 | 25 | walker | ellen | attendant | f | ont | irish |
2 | 26 | webb | francis | attendant | f | england | english |
2 | 27 | adams | bertha | prisoner | f | ont | chippewa |
2 | 28 | adams | cora | prisoner | f | ont | chippewa |
2 | 29 | allen | nellie | prisoner | f | england | english |
2 | 30 | andrews | doris | prisoner | f | ont | english |
2 | 31 | ariss? | pearl | prisoner | f | ont | uknown |
2 | 32 | asselstine | mary | prisoner | f | ont | english |
2 | 33 | ayolte? | clarice | prisoner | f | ont | french |
2 | 34 | bedard | annie | prisoner | f | england | english |
2 | 35 | beemer | margaret | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
2 | 36 | bell | kathleen | prisoner | f | england | english |
2 | 37 | bello | olive | prisoner | f | ont | english |
2 | 38 | birdsell | alberta | prisoner | f | ont | english |
2 | 39 | blais | florence | prisoner | f | ont | french |
2 | 40 | bond | gertrude | prisoner | f | ont | uknown |
2 | 41 | boult? | priscilla | prisoner | f | u.s.a | spanish |
2 | 42 | boyce | may | prisoner | f | ont | english |
2 | 43? | bresee? | rose ann | prisoner | f | ont | french |
2 | 44 | brezniak | catherine | prisoner | f | urkraine | ukrainian |
2 | 45 | brindle | alice | prisoner | f | que | english |
2 | 46 | brown | dolores | prisoner | f | ont | uknown |
2 | 47 | bull | dorothy | prisoner | f | ont | english |
2 | 48 | campbell | grace | prisoner | f | ont | unknown |
2 | 49 | carlson | anna | prisoner | f | ont | swedish |
2 | 50 | carlson | ronald robert | prisoner’s infant | m | ont | uknown |
3 | 1 | carroll | josephine | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 2 | charmot? | irene | prisoner | f | u.s.a | french |
3 | 3 | clarke | annie | prisoner | f | england | english |
3 | 4 | clarke | viola | prisoner | f | que | english |
3 | 5 | clause | edna | prisoner | f | ont | unknown |
3 | 6 | collins | minnie | prisoner | f | england | english |
3 | 7 | conkwright | neva | prisoner | f | ont | english |
3 | 8 | cooper | kathleen | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 9 | couillard | bertha | prisoner | f | ont | french |
3 | 10 | cowan | priscilla | prisoner | f | ont | english |
3 | 11 | crandell | nellie | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 12 | crone | nellie | prisoner | f | u.s.a | unknown |
3 | 13 | cronk | mary | prisoner | f | ont | dutch |
3 | 14 | cullin | rona | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 15 | cummings | leona | prisoner | f | ont | english |
3 | 16 | cummings | margaret | prisoner’s infant | f | ont | english |
3 | 17 | cunningham | margaret | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 18 | cuthbert | euphemia | prisoner | f | ont | unknown |
3 | 19 | darch | jessie | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 20 | davey | sarah | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 21 | dearsen? | alice | prisoner | f | england | english |
3 | 22 | decarlo | isabel | prisoner | f | ont | italian |
3 | 23 | decoteau | evelyn | prisoner | f | ont | french |
3 | 24 | decur | jennie | prisoner | f | romania | romania |
3 | 25 | de forest | mary | prisoner | f | ont | french |
3 | 26 | de gran | bella | prisoner | f | ont | english |
3 | 27 | deslauriers | juliette | prisoner | f | que | french |
3 | 28 | deline | alice | prisoner | f | ont | english |
3 | 29 | dillaborgh? | florence | prisoner | f | ont | french |
3 | 30 | doyle | bernadette | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 31 | duncan | stella | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 32 | dupuis | gertrude | prisoner | f | ont | french |
3 | 33 | fall | edith | prisoner | f | ont | french |
3 | 34 | finch | verna | prisoner | f | ont | german |
3 | 35 | fisher | may | prisoner | f | ont | german |
3 | 36 | fitch | betty | prisoner | f | ont | unknown |
3 | 37 | folz? | gladys | prisoner | f | ont | german |
3 | 38 | foster | leona | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 39 | fox | margaret | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 40 | galagan? | mary | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
3 | 41 | garrah | mary | prisoner | f | ont | french |
3 | 42 | gauthier | blanche | prisoner | f | que | french |
3 | 43 | gilbert | edna | prisoner | f | ont | welsh |
3 | 44 | girard | marguerite | prisoner | f | que | french |
3 | 45 | gordier | hazel | prisoner | f | ont | french |
3 | 46 | gordon | helen | prisoner | f | ont | scottish |
3 | 47 | grass | marie | prisoner | f | england | english |
3 | 48 | graves | bessie | prisoner | f | ont | english |
3 | 49 | green | jemima? | prisoner | f | ont | ? |
3 | 50 | greenwood | leta? | prisoner | f | ont | english |
4 | 1 | hammond | carrie | prisoner | f | england | english |
4 | 2 | harwick | mabel | prisoner | f | ont | english |
4 | 3 | hay | queenie | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 4 | herron | majorie | prisoner | f | ireland | irish |
4 | 5 | hill | reta | prisoner | f | ont | english |
4 | 6 | hogan | victoria | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 7 | ilniski? | rose | prisoner | f | ont | ukrainian |
4 | 8 | irvine | viola | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 9 | jackson | emma | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 10 | jackson | margaret | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 11 | jackson | doreen | prisoner’s infant | f | ont | uknown |
4 | 12 | james | laura | prisoner | f | u.s.a | dutch |
4 | 13 | james | martha | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 14 | jean-louis | yvonne | prisoner | f | ont | scottish |
4 | 15 | kahbeeje? | susan | prisoner | f | ont | chippewa |
4 | 16 | karnes | minnie | prisoner | f | ont | ireland |
4 | 17 | kaustin | lena | prisoner | f | ont | finnish |
4 | 18 | kelly | annie | prisoner | f | ont | english |
4 | 19 | kelly | blanche | prisoner | f | ireland | irish |
4 | 20 | keyser? | mona | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 21 | kinbsbury | marie | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 22 | kohl? | olive | prisoner | f | ont | german |
4 | 23 | laforet | eva | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 24 | laroche | lauretta | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 25 | laroche | jacqueline | prisoner’s infant | f | ont | french |
4 | 26 | latondress? | eleanor | prisoner | f | ont | dutch |
4 | 27 | le bleau | dorothy | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 28 | leckie | florence | prisoner | f | england | english |
4 | 29 | leclair | eva | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 30 | lefebvre | angeline | prisoner | f | que | french |
4 | 31 | lewis | alina | prisoner | f | ont | english |
4 | 32 | lewis | may | prisoner | f | ont | negress |
4 | 33 | lockridge | mildred | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 34 | long | priscilla | prisoner | f | ont | german |
4 | 35 | lowe | rose | prisoner | f | que | french |
4 | 36 | malette | laura | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 37 | marshall | catherine | prisoner | f | ont | chippewa |
4 | 38 | marshall | james | prisoner’s infant | m | ont | unknown |
4 | 39 | matheson | rachel | prisoner | f | ont | scottish |
4 | 40 | mead? | may | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 41 | milligan | marjory | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 42 | miron | cecile | prisoner | f | que | french |
4 | 43 | mitchell | antonia | prisoner | f | que | scottish |
4 | 44 | moisan? | marie | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 45 | monachan | georgina | prisoner | f | scotland | scottish |
4 | 46 | moore | cleo | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 47 | mcainey? | annie | prisoner | f | england | english |
4 | 48 | mcburney | violet | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
4 | 49 | mccarthy | doris | prisoner | f | ont | french |
4 | 50 | mccolman | eva | prisoner | f | ont | scottish |
5 | 1 | mccormack | helen | prisoner | f | ont | english |
5 | 2 | mccormack | francis | prisoner’s infant | f | ont | danish |
5 | 3 | mclaughlin | pearl | prisoner | f | ont | unknown |
5 | 4 | mclean | estelle | prisoner | f | ont | french |
5 | 5 | mcmurray | lillian | prisoner | f | ont | english |
5 | 6 | mcmurray | betty | prisoner’s infant | f | ont | uknown |
5 | 7 | niemesto? | sigrid | prisoner | f | findland | finnish |
5 | 8 | niganiwina | angeline | prisoner | f | ont | chippewa |
5 | 9 | oldfield | maud | prisoner | f | england | english |
5 | 10 | oliver | mary | prisoner | f | ont | english |
5 | 11 | o’neill | gertrude | prisoner | f | ont | negress |
5 | 12 | paquette | charlotte | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
5 | 13 | parsons | violet | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
5 | 14 | pearson | myrtle | prisoner | f | ont | unknown |
5 | 15 | peeremet | sophie | prisoner | f | ont | eskimo |
5 | 16 | pelletier | maria | prisoner | f | ont | french |
5 | 17 | pelletier | joseph | prisoner’s infant | m | ont | irish |
5 | 18 | pheasant | mary | prisoner | f | ont | chippewa |
5 | 19 | powley? | lillian | prisoner | f | ont | scottish |
5 | 20 | price | betty | prisoner | f | ont | english |
5 | 21 | rae | amy | prisoner | f | england | english |
5 | 22 | riley | mary | prisoner | f | ont | chippewa |
5 | 23 | rivers | harriet | prisoner | f | ont | chippewa |
5 | 24 | rivet | victoria | prisoner | f | ont | french |
5 | 25 | robinson | doris | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
5 | 26 | robinson | olive | prisoner’s infant | f | ont | irish |
5 | 27 | ronco | rose | prisoner | f | ont | italian |
5 | 28 | rooney | eileen | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
5 | 29 | sears | josephine | prisoner | f | ont | negress |
5 | 30 | sharbot | ethel | prisoner | f | ont | french |
5 | 31 | shearing | isabel | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
5 | 32 | shiltman? | mable myrtle | prisoner | f | ont | unknown |
5 | 33 | skaleski | catherine | prisoner | f | ? | ukrainian |
5 | 34 | smith | annie | prisoner | f | scotland | scottish |
5 | 35 | smith | evelyn | prisoner | f | ont | german |
5 | 36 | smith | josephine | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
5 | 37 | smith | lauretta | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
5 | 38 | smith | nellie | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
5 | 39 | stewart | lillian | prisoner | f | ont | scottish |
5 | 40 | taillon | frances | prisoner | f | ont | french |
5 | 41 | taylor | alice | prisoner | f | ont | dutch? |
5 | 42 | tyler | nora | prisoner | f | ont | english |
5 | 43 | tyler | joyce | prisoner’s infant | f | ont | english |
5 | 44 | vanhest | velma | prisoner | f | ont | dutch |
5 | 45 | vansaeder? | edith | prisoner | f | england | english |
5 | 46 | van valkenburg | viola | prisoner | f | ont | dutch |
5 | 47 | vendette? | louise | prisoner | f | ont | french |
5 | 48 | vizina? | elizabeth | prisoner | f | u.s.a | french |
5 | 49 | walker | emma | prisoner | f | england | english |
5 | 50 | walker | helen | prisoner | f | ont | negress |
6 | 1 | walley | dorothy | prisoner | f | ont | uknown |
6 | 2 | walsh | elizabeth | prisoner | f | ont | german |
6 | 3 | waltham | pearl | prisoner | f | ont | english |
6 | 4 | walton | violet | prisoner | f | ont | irish |
6 | 5 | watson | irene | prisoner | f | ont | scottish |
6 | 6 | watson | madeline | prisoner | f | ont | english |
6 | 7 | watson | margaret | prisoner | f | ont | chippewa |
6 | 8 | weedmark | effie | prisoner | f | ont | swedish |
6 | 9 | whitney | jane | prisoner | f | scotland | scottish |
6 | 10 | williams | edna | prisoner | f | u.s.a | english |
6 | 11 | williams | lorraine | prisoner’s infant | f | ont | russian |
6 | 12 | wilson | ruby | prisoner | f | ont | german |
6 | 13 | wilson | viola | prisoner | f | ont | english |
6 | 14 | woodland | jessie | prisoner | f | england | english |
6 | 15 | workman | hilda | prisoner | f | ont | negress |
6 | 16 | yoll | eleanor | prisoner | f | que | english |
Province: Ontario
District name: Parkdale
District number:138
Sub-district name: Toronto (City), No. 87
Sub-district number: 87
Sub-district description: Mercer Reformatory
Industrial Refuge for Girls
The Industrial Refuge for Girls was a separate wing in the West corridors of the Andrew Mercer Reformatory. It imprisoned their first two girls on September 22, 1880.
Many girls endured indefinite sentences and could be incarcerated for up to 5 years. During their imprisonment, and at the recommendation of the Superintendent and approval of the Inspector of Prisons, girls could be indentured into domestic service until their sentence expired. Some girls with shorter sentences were placed as domestics upon release. This was facilitated by Mercer staff and philanthropic groups. Often, these placements did not go well and the girls found themselves imprisoned at the Industrial Refuge again, or on the women’s side of the reformatory, including if they were now pregnant.
The Industrial Refuge for Girls was closed in 1905 and the remaining girls were transferred to the Alexandra Industrial School in Toronto. The registry of Industrial Refuge for Girls lists 429 girls as prisoners from 1880 to 1905.
Stay tuned as we continue to correct any errors in the transcription of the girl’s registry. Use the search window below by typing your ancestor’s name. As of July 25, 2023 there are 429 names transcribed which is the entirety of the Industrial Refuge for Girls registry.
Please consider this index of names as a tertiary source and always consult the actual copies of the Industrial Refuge for Girls registry by requesting your ancestors’ records at the Archives of Ontario.
This is ongoing research and may be subject to change as we locate details on the correct spelling of the girls’ names or racial origins. For now, we have simply transcribed how the registry identifies some of the girls, for example:
*British Home Children (BHC)
Due to the limitations of historical records, we have not verified these entries on origins as complete or correct.
Search by name in the registry of the Industrial Refuge for Girls
# | Surname | First Name | Alternate Spelling | Admitted | Age | Place of Birth | Place of Residence | Offence | Notes |
1 | Blain | Adelia | Sep 22, 1880 | 12 | Germany | Welland | Larceny | ||
2 | McCann | Debbie | Sep 27, 1880 | 13 | Brantford | Brantford | Larceny | ||
3 | Gibson | Margaret Ann | Gebsole | Oct 2, 1880 | 10 | Sarnia | Sarnia | Larceny | |
4 | Quinn | Margaret | Oct 12, 1880 | 13 | England | London | Larceny | ||
5 | Doosling | Elizabeth | Oct 20, 1880 | 15 | Canada | Woodstock | Inmate Disorderly House | ||
6 | Hostter | Sarah | Hostler | Oct 20, 1880 | 15 | Canada | St. Catharines | Vagrancy | |
7 | Daken | Margaret | Oct 19, 1880 | 13 | Canada | Township of Guelph | Larceny | ||
8 | Davis | Elizabeth | Oct 29, 1880 | 16 | Canada | Port Hope | Vagrancy | ||
9 | Eagles | Elizabeth | Nov 2, 1880 | 14 | Canada | Wood? | Larceny | ||
10 | Hora | Mary Jane | Nov 23, 1880 | 14 | Australia | Kingston | Unmanageable at home | ||
11 | Taylor | Alice | Dec 14, 1880 | 14 | Louisville Kentucky U.S. | Caledonia | Unmanageable at home | ||
12 | Ferguson | Margaret Clarisa | Jan 14, 1881 | 12 | Canada | Guelph | Begging on Streets | ||
13 | Ferguson | Elizabeth | Jan 14, 1881 | 10 | Canada | Guelph | Begging on Streets | ||
14 | Malone | Ellen | Feb 8, 1881 | 14 | U. S. A. | Stratford | Begging on Streets | ||
15 | Malone | Mary Ann | Feb 9, 1881 | 11 | U. S. A. | Stratford | Begging on Streets | ||
16 | Clifford | Minnie | Feb 15, 1881 | 12 | Canada | Ottawa | Neglect of parent | ||
17 | Clifford | Eliza | Feb 15, 1881 | 10 | Canada | Ottawa | Neglect of parent | ||
18 | Clifford | Katie | Feb 15, 1881 | 6 | Canada | Ottawa | Neglect of mother | ||
19 | Burns | Ellen | Feb 24, 1881 | 12 | Canada | Hamilton | Vagrancy | ||
20 | Reid | Elizabeth | Mar 10, 1881 | 7 | Canada | Cornwall | Vagrancy | ||
21 | Lyzer | Florence | Lyser | Apr 14, 1881 | 13 | England | Toronto | Vagrancy | |
22 | Burgess | Sarah | Jun 18, 1881 | 13 | Canada | Hamilton | House Breaking & Larceny | ||
23 | Lewis | Josephine | Aug 20, 1881 | 14 | USA | St. Marys | Vagrancy | ||
24 | King | Minnie | Aug 28, 1881 | 14 | Canada | Peterborough | Vagrancy & Prostitution | Asylum | |
25 | Smith | Lenora | Sep 19, 1881 | 10 | Canada | Alvestone | Incorrigible | ||
26 | Felner | Louisa Caroline | Louise Feather | Oct 1, 1881 | 16 | Canada | Owen Sound Co Grey | Forging & uttering | |
27 | Gibbins | Margaret | Stebbins | Feb 15, 1881 | 15 | Canada | Woodstock | Vagrancy & Idleness | |
28 | Mills | Mary | Apr 26, 1882 | 14 | Canada | London | Vagrancy | ||
29 | Mills | Alice | Apr 26, 1882 | 12 | Canada | London | Vagrancy | ||
30 | Smith | Julia | Apr 26, 1882 | 9 | Canada | Euphemia | Incorrigible | ||
31 | Carson | Almida | Jun 27, 1882 | 11 | Canada | Campbellford | Vagrancy | ||
32 | Desordueany | Rose | Desorducany | Jul 27, 1882 | 14 | Canada | Ottawa | Vagrancy | |
33 | Cook* | Elizabeth | Jul 29, 1882 | 13 | Ireland | London Westminister (Guthrie Home) | Assault | ||
34 | Wyatt | Elizabeth | Jul 31, 1882 | 13 | England | Chatham | Larceny | ||
35 | Cowling | Emily | Sep 20, 1882 | 13 | England | Cobourg | Incorrigible | ||
36 | Barret | Ann | Sep 20, 1882 | 12 | Canada | London | Vagrancy | ||
37 | Penkham | Lydia | Pinkham | Sep 20, 1882 | 13 | England | London | Vagrancy | |
38 | McElrey | Minnie May | Sept 27, 1882 | 4 | Canada | St. Thomas | Deserted by parents | ||
39 | Dean | Mary | Oct 7, 1882 | 13 | Ireland | Toronto | Stealing | ||
40 | Mason | Jane/Jennie | Oct 18, 1882 | 15 | Canada | Maitland | Larceny | #1774 Reformatory | |
41 | Ellis | Kate | Oct 18, 1882 | 13 | Canada | Brockville | Larceny | ||
42 | Moss | Emmeline | Oct 27, 1882 | 12 | England | Parkdale | Larceny | ||
43 | Keith | Minnie | Jan 2, 1883 | 15 | Ireland | Toronto | Prostitute | ||
44 | Bruns? | Alice | Apr 9, 1883 | 12 | Canada | St. Thomas | Incorrigible | ||
45 | Brown | Elizabeth | Jul 10, 1883 | 13 | England | Toronto | Incorrigible | ||
46 | Wilson, Alias Ann Russel | Ada | Milson | Jul 22, 1883 | 14 | Canada | Whitby | Larceny | |
47 | Moore | Agnes Louisa | Aug 25, 1883 | 13 | Canada | Toronto | Larceny | ||
48 | Bovey? | Margaret A | Mobey | Sep 11, 1883 | 15 | New Brunswick | London | Vagrancy | |
49 | ? | Rose | Fincle | Sep 11, 1883 | 15 | England | London | Vagrancy | |
50 | Hoare* | Caroline | Sep 14, 1883 | 13 | England | Niagara (Niagara Home) | Incorrigible | ||
51 | Cranham | Annie | Oct 4, 1883 | 9 | Canada | Brantford | Vagrancy | ||
52 | Carr | Catharine | Jan 19, 1884 | 7 | Canada | Kingston | Vagrancy | ||
53 | Carr | Mary | Jan 19, 1884 | 8 | Canada | Kingston | Vagrancy | ||
54 | Legar | Ann | Segar | Jan 26, 1884 | 14 | U. S. A. | Welland | Incorrigible | |
55 | Smith | Mary | Apr 30, 1884 | 14 | Ran away | ||||
56 | Ratcliffe* | Martha | Jun 4, 1884 | 14 | England | Niagara (Niagara Home) | Incorrigible | ||
57 | Atcheson | Jessie | Jenny Aitchison | Jan 28, 1884 | 13 | Canada | Trenton | Vagrancy Prostitution | |
58 | Delmar | Lily | Delmor | July 15, 1884 | 13 | Canada | Hamilton | Vagrancy | |
59 | Morgan | Lily | Jul 23, 1884 | 13 | Canada | Toronto | Uncontrollable | ||
60 | Mannah | Lizzie | Aug 12, 1884 | 13 | Canada | Barrie | Vagrancy | ||
61 | Orr | Margaret | Aug 12, 1884 | 13 | Canada | Sarnia | Incorrigible | ||
62 | Stacey | Bertha | Aug 13, 1884 | 14 | Canada | ?ford | Larceny | ||
63 | Churher** | Julie | Chuclee | Aug 15, 1884 | 5 | Canada | Owen Sound | Vagrancy | |
64 | Churher** | Adeline | Chuclee | Aug 15, 1884 | 8 | Canada | Owen Sound | Vagrancy | |
65 | Stinson | Sarah | Aug 18, 1884 | 10 | Canada | Ottawa | Vagrancy | ||
66 | Cranham | Jennie | Sep 23, 1884 | 12 | Canada | Brantford | Vagrancy | ||
67 | Fernia | Nora | Oct 8, 1884 | 13 | Canada | Napanee | Vagrancy | ||
68 | Brown | Mary | Oct 6, 1884 | 13 | Scotland | Toronto | Larceny | ||
69 | Ross** | Bertie | Lottie | May 28 1885 | 12 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | |
70 | Haskins | Mary | Nov 25, 1885 | 12 | Ireland | London | Larceny | ||
71 | Mcfie? | Chancey | McGill | Dec 5, 1885 | 7 | Canada | Owen Sound | Vagrancy | |
72 | Brown | Isabella | Jan 11, 1886 | 7 | Canada | Owen Sound | Vagrancy | ||
73 | Cole | Vitoria | Jan 15, 1886 | 7 | Canada | Belleville | Without Salutary control | ||
74 | Cole | Margaret Jane | Jan 15, 1886 | 4 | Canada | Belleville | Without Salutary control | ||
75 | Mathews | Emma? | Feb 13, 1886 | 12 | U. S. | Windsor | Larceny | ||
76 | Edwards | Florence Betha | Mar 4, 1886 | 13 | Canada | Oshawa | Without proper care | ||
77 | Williams | Mary Jane | Mar 14, 1886 | 15 | Wales | Parkdale | Larceny | Ran away | |
78 | Ferguson | Bertha | Apr 5, 1886 | 10 | Canada | Trenton | Incorrigible | ||
79 | Burgoyne | Clara | May 1, 1886 | 9 | Canada | Trenton | Uncontrollable | ||
80 | Cole | Matilda | May 1, 1886 | 13 | Canada | Paisley | Without proper care | ||
81 | Hays | Dolly | May 1, 1886 | 11 | Canada | Paisley | Without proper care | ||
82 | Billings | Jane | Jul 9, 1886 | 13 | Canada | Peterborough | Prostitute | ||
83 | McDonald | Margaret | Aug 1, 1886 | 13 | U. S. | Peninsula Harbour | Selling liquor | ||
84 | Cranham | Annie | Sep 4, 1886 | 11 | Canada | Brantford | Vagrancy | ||
85 | Stuart | Florence V. | Sep 30, 1886 | 14 | Canada | Simcoe | Uncontrollable | ||
86 | Johnston* | Bella | Oct 23, 1886 | 14 | Scotland | Belleville (Brockville House) | Setting fire to a barn | ||
87 | Dallow | Caroline | Oct 30, 1886 | 12 | Canada | Lambton | Larceny | ||
88 | Bell | Bridget | Nov 27, 1886 | 13 | Ireland | Hamilton | Frequent of a Dis House | ||
89 | Minnie | Johnston | Nov 30, 1886 | 14 | Canada | London | Larceny | ||
90 | Trailey | Jennie | 10-Dec-86 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Intemperate | ||
91 | Smith | Mary Ann | 22-Dec-86 | ? | Canada | Kingston | Incorrigible vicious | Transferred to Reformatory #1041 | |
92 | L?…ous | Margaret | 11-Jan-87 | 14 | Canada | London | Vagrancy | ||
93 | Molson | Mary | 11-Jan-87 | 13 | Canada | Woodstock | Vagrancy | ||
94 | House | Rebecca | 20-Apr-87 | 13 | Canada | Haldimand | Incorrigible | ||
95 | Yort | Mary | Gort | 30-May-87 | 14 | Canada | Incorrigible | ||
96 | Pew | Rebecca | Pugh | 1-Jun-87 | 12 | England | Incorrigible | ||
97 | O’Neil | Ellie | 22-Jun-87 | 8 | Canada | York Co | Without home or guardianship | ||
98 | Blakely | Charlotte | 10-Aug-87 | 14 | Canada | Addington | Larceny | ||
99 | Norman** | Gertrude | 17-Aug-87 | 11 | Canada | ? At poison | |||
100 | Coggeshall | May | 19-Sep-87 | 12 | U. S. | Toronto | Uncontrollable | ||
101 | Hinton | Violet | 4-Oct-87 | 10 | Canada | Toronto | Destitute | ||
102 | Miller | Mary | 19-Oct-87 | 11 | Canada | Lambton | Larceny | ||
103 | Miller | Jennie | 20-Nov-87 | 13 | U. S. | Windsor | Larceny | ||
104 | Berry | Frances Ann | 1-Dec-87 | 11 | Canada | Bowmanville | Homeless & Friendless | ||
105 | Taylor | Sarha Ann | 9-Dec-87 | 9 | Canada | Simcoe | Homeless & Friendless | ||
106 | Reed | Elizabeth | 17-Jan-88 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
107 | Shaver alisa Robins | Ann | 27-Jan-88 | 14 | Canada | London | Homeless | ||
108 | Doman | Elizabeth J. | Donnan | 31-Jan-88 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Without Salutary Control | |
109 | Richardson | Diana Mary | 15-Feb-88 | 12 | England | Sarnia | Incorrigible | ||
110 | Rahl | Annie | 15-Feb-88 | 13 | Canada | Berlin | Arson | Newspaper | |
111 | Orton* | Elizabeth | 17-Feb-88 | 14 | England | Toronto (Niagara Home) | without home or Salutary Control | ||
112 | BellInois | Lizzie | Bellmois | 24-Feb-88 | 13 | U. S. | Kingston | Without home or Salutary Control | |
113 | Everitt* | Esther | 17-Apr-88 | 18 | England | Sarnie (Niagara Home) | Arson | ||
114 | Mitchell | Mary | 30-May-88 | 11 | Canada | Kingston | Vagrancy | ||
115 | Emory | Ellen | 22-Jun-88 | 14 | England | London | Without Salutary Control | ||
116 | Burrows | Minnie | 5-Jul-88 | 9 | Ireland | London | Without control | ||
117 | Udell | Lena | 13-Jul-88 | 10 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
118 | Kelly | Elizabeth | 17-Jul-88 | 14 | Canada | Hamilton | Vagrancy | ||
119 | French | Jane | 24-Aug-88 | 13 | Canada | Woodstock | No visible means of support | ||
120 | Philips** | Mary Ann | 29-Aug-88 | 11 | Canada | Brantford | Begging on public street | ||
121 | O’Boyle | Bridget | 21-Sep-88 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Larceny | ||
122 | Googan | Katie Annie | 10-Oct-88 | 10 | Canada | Oshawa | Destitute without a home | ||
123 | Coogan | Ethel | 10-Oct-88 | 8 | Canada | Oshawa | Destitute without a home | ||
124 | McCarty | Minnie | 20-Nov-88 | 9 | Ireland | Toronto | Destitute without a home | ||
125 | McElrey? | Minnie | Ruelrey | 23-Nov-88 | 12 | Canada | Under the Act | Returned from apprenticeship see 38 on page 2 | |
126 | Ashonanosbis*** | Margaret | Ashonauasbis | 23-Nov-88 | 14 | Canada | Algoma | Arson | |
127 | Fant** | Annie | 5-Dec-88 | 11 | Canada | Ingersoll | Vagrancy | ||
128 | Jones** | Mary | 18-Dec-88 | 12 | Canada | Brantford | Larceny | ||
129 | Galloway | Frances | 4-Jan-89 | 12 | Canada | Toronto | Larceny | ||
130 | McEwen | Harriet | 12-Jan-89 | 11 | Canada | Whitby | Without salutary control | ||
131 | Thornton | Maria | 12-Apr-89 | 8 | Ireland | Hamilton | Vagrancy | ||
132 | Griffiths | Lizzie | 1-Jul-89 | 13 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
133 | Frazer | Mary Jane | 19-Jul-89 | 17 | Canada | Brockville | Frequenting | ||
134 | Ellis | Margaret | 26-Jul-89 | 10 | Canada | Brockville | Vagrancy | ||
135 | Long, alias Fraser | Ruth, alias Ruby | 2-Aug-89 | 10 | Canada | St Thomas | Larceny | ||
136 | Harwood* | Lucy | 15-Aug-89 | 15 | England | North bay (Gutheir Home) | Larceny | ||
137 | Kittridge | Minnie | 29-Aug-89 | 13 | Canada | Brantford | Vagrancy | ||
138 | Molson | Mary | 30-Aug-89 | 15 | Canada | Beachville | Vagrancy | ||
139 | Tuttle | Blanche Louise | 15-Sep-89 | 9 | Canada | Colborne | Neglect of Parent | ||
140 | Tuttle | Ida Electa | 15-Sep-89 | 4 | Canada | Colborne | Neglect of Parent | ||
141 | Lebar | Anna | 17-Oct-89 | 11 | Canada | Port Perry | Idle & Dissolute life | ||
142 | Lucas | Sarah | 24-Dec-89 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Larceny | ||
143 | Britton | Maggie | 24-Dec-89 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Larceny | ||
144 | Boland? | Annie | 24-Dec-89 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Larceny | ||
145 | Boland? | Minnie | 24-Dec-89 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Larceny | ||
146 | Lawson | Jessie | 3-Feb-90 | 11 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
147 | Baker* | Minnie Clara | 19-Feb-90 | 14 | England | London (Guthrie Home) | Larceny | ||
148 | Hebburn* | Eliza | 19-Feb-90 | 12 | England | London (Guthrie Home) | Larceny | ||
149 | Bowstrill | Mary | 28-Feb-90 | 12 | Canada | ? | Larceny | ||
150 | May | Nellie | 28-Feb-90 | 13 | Canada | ? | Larceny | ||
151 | Sylvester | Anne | 8-May-90 | 14 | Canada | Hamilton | Incorrigible | ||
152 | Parker | Jane | 8-May-90 | 8 | Canada | Walkerton | Without proper control | ||
153 | Burney | Jane | 13-Jun-90 | 13 | Canada | Brockville | Incorrigible | ||
154 | Welsh | Harriet | 13-Jun-90 | 12 | Canada | Kingston | Incorrigible | ||
155 | Thornton | Maria | 10-Jul-90 | 9 | Ireland | Hamilton | Larceny | ||
156 | Hilton | Sarah Anne | 17-Jul-90 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Intemperate | ||
157 | McDermott | Mary Jane | 1-Aug-90 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Intemperate Vagrant | ||
158 | Ranger | Margaret | 18-Oct-90 | 15 | Canada | Sudbury | Prostitute | ||
159 | Collit* | Johanna | 20-Oct-90 | 16 | England | Toronto (Niagara Home) | Vagrancy | ||
160 | Berry | Mary | 31-Oct-90 | 12 | Ireland | Toronto | Larceny | ||
161 | Martin | Alice | 10-Feb-91 | 6 | Canada | ? | Leading an idle & dissolute life | ||
162 | Woonch | Mannie | 17-Feb-91 | 5 | Canada | Collingwood | Homeless | ||
163 | Woonch | Violet | 17-Feb-91 | 4 | Canada | Collingwood | Homeless | ||
164 | Woonch | Ellen | 17-Feb-91 | 2.6 | Canada | Collingwood | Homeless | Died age 3, March 3, 1882 | |
165 | O’Neilly | Johanna | 7-Mar-91 | 13 | Canada | Kingston | Larceny false Pretense | ||
166 | Flood | Minnie | 3-Apr-91 | 11 | Canada | Perth | Neglect of Parents | ||
167 | Cochran | Ellen | 13-Apr-91 | 13 | Ireland | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
168 | Lane | Annie | 6-May-91 | 9 | Ireland | London | Vagrancy | ||
169 | Beausejour | Nellie | 6-May-91 | 13 | Canada | ? | Larceny | ||
170 | McConnell | Mary Agnes | 12-May-91 | 15 | Canada | Kingston | Vagrancy | ||
171 | Kirkland | Sadie | 20-May-91 | 14 | Canada | Niagara | Without Salutary Control | ||
172 | Murray | Sarah | 20-May-91 | 18 | Canada | Welland | Vagrant | ||
173 | Jessop | Ethel Mabel | 28-May-91 | 10 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
174 | Moore** | Nettie | 28-May-91 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
175 | Dallow | Carrie | 27-Jun-91 | 17 | Canada | ? | Larceny | ||
176 | Johnson | ethel | 28-Jun-91 | 13 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
177 | Ross | Ettie | 29-Jun-91 | 13 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
178 | Galvin | Winnifred | 14-Jul-91 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
179 | Amo | Mary Lilly | 11-Aug-91 | 13 | Canada | Brockville | Uncontrollable | ||
180 | Rice | Frances | 13-Aug-91 | 12 | Canada | London | Uncontrollable | ||
181 | Batty | Berllia | 1-Sep-91 | 10 | Canada | St Thomas | Without proper control | ||
182 | Jacoby | Carrie (Cora) | 8-Sep-91 | 11 | Canada | London | Vagrancy | ||
183 | Robinson | Margaret Gertrude | 6-Nov-91 | 10 | Canada | Ingersoll | Without proper control | ||
184 | Miles | Lizzie | 25-Nov-91 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Larceny | Reformatory #1660 | |
185 | Crocker | Elizabeth | 15-Jan-92 | 15 | U. S. A. | Detroit | Bringing stolen goods into Canada | ||
186 | Beck | Emma (alisa Anne McMurry) | 5-Feb-92 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Setting fire to a Girls home | ||
187 | Gilles | Lucinda | 19-Mar-92 | 9 | Canada | Cayuga | Destitute, begging, without guardian | ||
188 | Gilles | Maude | 19-Mar-92 | 7 | Canada | Cayuga | Destitute, begging, without guardian | ||
189 | Palmer* | Katie | 21-Apr-92 | 14 | England | ? (Stephenson Home) | Larceny | ||
190 | Stone | Bina | 5-May-92 | 14 | England | Sheffield Township | Fraud | ||
191 | Daley | Eva | 7-May-92 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
192 | Maloney | Mary | 24-Sep-92 | 9 | Canada | Norfolk | Housebreaking Larceny | ||
193 | Pearson | Sarah May | 2-Nov-92 | 10 | Canada | Hamilton | Housebreaking Larceny | ||
194 | Mortimer | Margaret | 17-Nov-92 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | ? Stealing | ||
195 | Washington** | Beatrice Louisa Emily | 6-Dec-92 | 13 | Canada | Woodstock | Uncontrollable | ||
196 | Jewell | Ethel | 16-Dec-92 | 12 | Canada | Lindsay | Keeping house of ill fame | ||
197 | Hardwick* | Lucy | 18-Jan-93 | 13 | England | Lisgar, Halton (Niagara Home) | Uncontrollable | ||
198 | Biggs* | Bessie | 24-Feb-93 | 18 | England | Banardo House, Northhumberland | Larceny | ||
199 | Schofield | Ollia | 31-Mar-93 | 11 | Canada | London | Vagrancy | ||
200 | Cook | Mary | 10-May-93 | 11 | Ireland | Renfrew | Vagrancy | ||
201 | Gibson | May | 13-Jul-93 | 16 | Canada | Brussels | Getting money under false pretense | ||
202 | Bubery | Sarah | 27-Jul-93 | 14 | Canada | Kingston | Larceny | ||
203 | Shaw | Elizabeth | 14-Aug-93 | 14 | Canada | Hamilton | Incorrigible, beyond control | ||
204 | Gilbert | Lucinda | 25-Sep-93 | 10 | Canada | Owen Sound | Theft | ||
205 | Evans | Georgina | 7-Sep-93 | 13 | England | ? | Arson | ||
206 | O’Brie | Mary | 27-Sep-93 | 14 | Canada | Pembrooke | Loose, idle disorderly | ||
207 | Gilmour | Mary | 3-Apr-94 | 12 | Canada | Forestville | Theft | ||
208 | St Pierre | Maude | 14-Jun-94 | 12 | Canada | White Fish | Fallen into dissolute ? | ||
209 | St Pierre | Jennie | 14-Jun-94 | 14 | Canada | White Fish | Fallen into dissolute ? | ||
210 | Cousins | Martha | 11-Jul-94 | 16 | Canada | Orillia | Inmate House of ill fame | ||
211 | Cunningham | Annie | 28-Jul-94 | 7 | Canada | Blezard | waif | ||
212 | Cunningham | Eva | 28-Jul-94 | 9 | Canada | Blezard | waif | ||
213 | Cunningham | Gertrude | 28-Jul-94 | 11 | Canada | Blezard | waif | ||
214 | Cunningham | Mary | 28-Jul-94 | 13 | Canada | Blezard | waif | ||
215 | Saunders | Florence May | 30-Jul-94 | 12 | England | Whitby | Without Salutary Control | ||
216 | Young | Matilda alias Bryant | 10-Aug-94 | 14 | Canada | Halls Corners | Perjury | ||
217 | Portiguis? | Mary Ann | 17-Aug-94 | 10 | Canada | Renfrew | Larceny | ||
218 | Nelson | Grace Isabel | 17-Aug-94 | 11 | Canada | Napanee | Larceny | ||
219 | Ashby | Sarah | 29-Aug-94 | 10 | Canada | Port Hope | Without proper control | ||
220 | Ashby | Lena | 20-Aug-94 | 13 | Canada | Port Hope | Without proper control | ||
221 | Davy | Jenny | 18-Oct-94 | 17 | Canada | Peterborough | Larceny | ||
222 | Graves | Minnie | 23-Oct-94 | 16 | Canada | Seaforth | Perjury | ||
223 | Cuzner? | Edith | 5-Dec-94 | 14 | Canada | Hamilton | Larceny | ||
224 | Brooks | Etta May | 17-Jan-95 | 12 | Canada | Brighton | Without Salutary Control | ||
225 | Brooks | Minnie Maude | 21-Feb-95 | 15 | Canada | Brighton | Without Salutary Control | ||
226 | O’Brie | Sophie | 22-Feb-95 | 15 | Canada | Pembroke | Loose & disorderly | ||
227 | Driscoll | Catherine | 7-Mar-95 | 12 | Canada | Kingston | Stealing | ||
228 | Colborne | Jenny | 27-Apr-95 | 13 | Canada | Thornhill | Bad surroundings | ||
229 | Scott | Jennie | 27-Apr-95 | 16 | Canada | Windsor | Theft | ||
230 | Phillips | Ellen | 6-Aug-95 | 6 | Canada | Newmarket | Homeless | ||
231 | Brown | Edna | 22-May-95 | 7 | Canada | Beaverton | Homeless | ||
232 | Chechley | Mary Maude | 28-Jan-95 | 6 | Canada | Haliburton | Homeless | ||
233 | Stewart | Elizabeth | 28-Jan-95 | 9 | Canada | Victoria? | Homeless | ||
234 | O’Donnel | Myrtle | 1-Aug-95 | 13 | Canada | Toronto | Larceny | ||
235 | Maloney | Minnie | 28-Aug-95 | 10 | Canada | Woodstock | Homeless | ||
236 | Grady | Margaret | 29-Aug-95 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Larceny | ||
237 | Ranger | Ellen | 4-Sep-95 | 14 | Canada | Sudbury | Prostitution | ||
238 | Berry | Agnes | 10-Sep-95 | 13 | Canada | Lindsay | Freq H of ill f | ||
239 | Moody | Gertrude | 23-Oct-95 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Loose Idle & disorderly | ||
240 | Gavan | Ellen | 4-Nov-95 | 14 | Canada | ?wood, in Wellington County | Growing up without salutary control | ||
241 | Gibson | Lilie | 8-Nov-95 | 11 | Canada | Wakeworth, Northumberland | Improper house surroundings | ||
242 | Pringle | Jennie | 23-Dec-95 | 9 | Canada | Cobourg | Deserted by mother | ||
243 | Davis | Lavinia | 27-Dec-95 | 9 | Canada | Fairbanks | Deserted by parents | ||
244 | Mathews | Lizzie | 7-Jan-96 | 13 | Canada | Toronto | Idle Loose Disorderly | ||
245 | Wales | Annie | 21-Feb-96 | 15 | Canada | Milton | Leading an immoral life | ||
246 | Wheeler | Daisy | 23-Mar-96 | 18 | England | Toronto | Stealing | ||
247 | Cline | Mary | 20-Apr-96 | 14 | Canada | Pelham | |||
248 | Wetherald | Rosie | 2-May-96 | 10 | Canada | Milton | |||
249 | Cowell | Florence | Cornell | 18-May-96 | 14 | England | Toronto | Vagrancy | |
250 | Knox | Ida | 2-Jun-96 | 12 | Canada | Stratford | |||
251 | Stewart | Sarah Ann | 13-Jun-96 | 14 | Canada | Harrow | Disorderly | ||
252 | Davis | Sadie | 15-Jun-96 | 8 | Canada | ? | |||
253 | Galbraith | Viola | 24-Jun-96 | 7 | Canada | Sarnia | |||
254 | Waldron | Mannie | 24-Jun-96 | 9 | Canada | Paris | |||
255 | Burroughsford | Minnie | 29-Jun-96 | 13 | Canada | Toronto | Stealing | ||
256 | Robinson | Henrietta | 22-Jul-96 | 15 | Toronto | Toronto | Vagrant Idle & disorderly | ||
257 | ?* | Laura | Reynes | 22-Jul-96 | 14 | England | Toronto (Niagara Home) | Vagrant Idle & disorderly | |
258 | Cottrell | Mary | 29-Jul-96 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant Idle & disorderly | ||
259 | McKinght | Minnie | 29-Jul-96 | 14 | Canada | Port Elgin | Vagrancy | ||
260 | Chaney | Mary | 14-Aug-96 | 13 | Toronto | ||||
261 | Hillock | Bertha Florence | 15-Sep-96 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Stealing | ||
262 | McLellan | Mary | 16-Sep-96 | 14 | Canada | ? | Stealing | ||
263 | Park | Isabella | 15-Oct-96 | 16 | Canada | Owen Sound | Theft | ||
264 | McColl | Armarilla | 19-Nov-96 | 14 | Canada | Owen Sound | Leading an immoral life | ||
265 | Ryckman | Etta | 19-Nov-96 | 15 | Canada | Owen Sound | Leading an immoral life | ||
266 | Hardy | Gertrude | 8-Dec-96 | 14 | Canada | Hamilton | Unmanageable | ||
267 | Johnson | Rhoda | 11-Dec-96 | 14 | Canada | Lindsay | Without Salutary Control | ||
268 | Fuller | Annie | 11-Dec-96 | 15 | Canada | Lindsay | Vagrancy | ||
269 | Hulme | Ethel | 2-Jan-97 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Stealing | ||
270 | Hill | Minnie Louisa | 28-Jan-97 | 13 | Canada | Colbourne | Theft | ||
271 | Mathews | Elizabeth | 29-Jan-97 | 16 | England | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
272 | McLean | Katie | 13-Mar-97 | 16 | Canada | Goderich | Without Salutary Control | Died | |
273 | Robinson | Victoria | 30-Mar-97 | 13 | Canada | Bobcaygeon | Destitute Vagrancy | ||
274 | Sayers | Ellen Rose | 31-Mar-97 | 15 | Canada | Hamilton | Vagrancy | ||
275 | Keenan | Emily | 31-Mar-97 | 16 | Canada | Hamilton | Vagrancy | ||
276 | Britton | Emily | 14-Apr-97 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Loose, Idle & Disorderly | ||
277 | McMillan | Agnes | 14-Apr-97 | 14 | Scotland | Toronto | Loose, Idle & Disorderly | ||
278 | Hesson | Mary Ann | 5-May-97 | 14 | Canada | Stratford | Not stated? | ||
279 | Donaldson | Caroline | 13-May-97 | 16 | Canada | Barrie | Cannot be controlled | Asylum | |
280 | McCormick | Alice | 19-May-97 | 12 | Canada | St Mary’s | Incorrigible | ||
281 | Stilt | Mary | Stitt | 4-Jun-97 | 14 | England | Toronto | Stealing | |
282 | Neil | Elizabeth | 2-Jul-97 | 13 | Ireland | Halton | Theft | ||
283 | Fox | Violet | 7-Jul-97 | 13 | Canada | Hamilton | Beyond Control of Parents | ||
284 | Rowe | Annie | Row | 18-Sep-97 | 11 | Canada | Saltfleet | Beyond Control of Parents | |
285 | Theobault | Emma | 12-Oct-97 | 15 | Canada | Peterborough | C. Prostitute | ||
286 | Noyes | Eva | 22-Nov-97 | 15 | Canada | Brockville | Prostitution & Vagrancy | ||
287 | Carr | Mary | 22-Nov-97 | 13 | Canada | Napanee | Frequenting Disorderly house | ||
288 | Smith | Mabel | 14-Dec-97 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
289 | Scott | Jennie | 10-Feb-98 | 18 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
290 | McCann | Helen | 19-Feb-98 | 16 | Canada | London | Vagrancy | ||
291 | Jenkinson | Nellie | 25-Feb-98 | 13 | Canada | North Bay | Begging on the streets | ||
292 | McGinn | Sarah | 3-May-98 | 13 | U. S. | Woodstock | Vagrancy | ||
293 | Cook | Pauline A | 5-May-98 | 12 | Canada | ? | Larceny | ||
294 | Carter | Lilly | 1-Jun-98 | 14 | Canada | Hamilton | Disorderly | ||
295 | Brogan | Jane | 23-Jun-98 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Stealing | ||
296 | Smith** | Corabella | 7-Jul-98 | 13 | U. S. | Niagara Falls | Incorrigible | ||
297 | Lynch | Mary | 25-Jul-98 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Loose, Idle, disorderly | ||
298 | Van Camp | Majory | 10-Aug-98 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant loose idle | ||
299 | Forster | Ethel | 9-Sep-98 | 15 | England | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
300 | Thompson | Blanche | 16-Sep-98 | 14 | Canada | Belleville | Idle and disorderly | ||
301 | Babcock | Nellie | 16-Sep-98 | 16 | Canada | Belleville | Idle and disorderly | ||
302 | Speirs | Caroline | 4-Nov-98 | 14 | Canada | Walkerton | Theft of money | ||
303 | Ferrier | Lillie | 5-Nov-98 | 14 | Canada | ? | Aid abet assist and ? | ||
304 | Farron** | Lena | 10-Nov-98 | 13 | Canada | Cornwall | Vagrant & wandering in the streets | ||
305 | Asselstine | Florence | 10-Nov-98 | 17 | Canada | Perth | Vagrant | ||
306 | Revoir | Minnie | 22-Nov-98 | 15 | Canada | Peterborough | Incorrigible | ||
307 | Tobin | Mary | 23-Nov-98 | 12 | Canada | Toronto | Theft | ||
308 | Smith | Sarah Jane | 12-Dec-98 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
309 | Sickles | Laura | 15-Dec-98 | 15 | Canada | Brantford | Vagrancy | ||
310 | Crawford | Olive | 27-Dec-98 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Loose idle disorderly | ||
311 | Joslyn | Nettie | 30-Dec-98 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Prostitute | ||
312 | CheeverS | Maggie | 25-Jan-99 | 11 | Canada | Brantford | Theft and vagrancy | ||
313 | Dufresne | Amelia | 2-Feb-99 | 16 | Canada | Sarnia | Incorrigible | Asylum | |
314 | Holley | Eveline E | 14-Apr-99 | 15 | Canada | Guelph | Uncontrollable | ||
315 | Powell | Mary Jane | 18-May-99 | 14 | Canada | Tilsonburg | Uncontrollable, loose, idle, dis | ||
316 | Hollibaugh | Edith | 20-Aug-99 | 10 | Canada | Aylmer | Without Salutary Control | ||
317 | Clark | Grace | 15-Sep-99 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
318 | King | Annie | 15-Sep-99 | 15 | England | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
319 | Wells | Sadie | 19-Sep-99 | 11 | Toronto | Stealing | |||
320 | Smart | Laura | 19-Sep-99 | 15 | Canada | Port Dover | Unmanageable | ||
321 | Stone | Bertha | 27-Sep-99 | 11 | Canada | Toronto | Stealing | ||
322 | Collins | Elizabeth | 27-Sep-99 | 15 | Without Salutary Control | ||||
323 | McGee | Mary | 11-Oct-99 | 12 | Canada | Kingston | Larceny | ||
324 | Good | Sarah J | 12-Oct-99 | 15 | Canada | Orillia | Without Control | ||
325 | Miller** | Grace | 14-Oct-99 | 15 | Canada | London | Vagrancy | ||
326 | Corrigan | Priscilla | 14-Oct-99 | 15 | Canada | Peterborough | ? Prostitution | ||
327 | Ball | Mary Ellen | 20-Oct-99 | 13 | Canada | Orillia | Without Control | ||
328 | Milne | Grace | 14-Nov-99 | 14 | Canada | Aylmer | Without parent or guardian | ||
329 | Milne | Maggie | 14-Nov-99 | 12 | Canada | Aylmer | Without parent or guardian | ||
330 | Febus | Edith | Felvus | 28-Nov-99 | 16 | England | Bracondale | Vagrancy | |
331 | Clark | Eva | 19-Dec-99 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
332 | McKnight | Ada | 18-Jan-00 | 15 | Canada | Peterborough | Idle and dissolute life | ||
333 | Fox | Pansy | 31-Jan-00 | 14 | Canada | Barrie | Incorrigible without any settled place of abode | ||
334 | Cameron | Eva | 20-Feb-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Inmate house of ill fame | ||
335 | Leathers | Winnifred | 21-Mar-00 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
336 | Irwin | Edna | 17-Apr-00 | 14 | Canada | Brantford | Theft | ||
337 | Jones | Minnie Beatrice | 20-Apr-00 | 15 | Canada | Belleville | Uncontrollable | ||
338 | Craig | Eva | 24-Apr-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant, loose, idle, disorderly | ||
339 | Dean | Maggie | 24-Apr-00 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant, loose, idle, disorderly | ||
340 | Liscombe | Erie | 1-May-00 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Stealing | ||
341 | Flatterell | Viney | 1-May-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Loose, idle, disorderly | ||
342 | Lloyd | Annie J | 8-Jun-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
343 | Morrison or Sringer | Annie | 8-Jun-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
344 | Tracey | Mary | 8-Jun-00 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | Escape | |
345 | Woodcock | Nellie | 25-Jul-00 | 16 | ? | Escape | |||
346 | Long | Gertrude | 31-Jul-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
347 | Huntly | Clara | 1-Aug-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Uncontrollable | ||
348 | Bernard | Minnie | 11-Aug-00 | 13 | Canada | Pembrooke | Inmate of disorderly house | ||
349 | St. Armour | Mary Louise | 13-Aug-00 | 15 | Canada | Pembrooke | Inmate of disorderly house | see #373 | |
350 | Carmel | Annie? | 13-Aug-00 | 16 | Canada | Ottawa | Frequenter of house of ill fame | ||
351 | Clark | Mary Anne | 17-Aug-00 | 14 | Canada | Hamilton | Incorrigible | ||
352 | O’Brien | Isabella | 7-Sep-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Stealing | ||
353 | Murphey | Eliza | 7-Sep-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Loose, Idle, disorderly | ||
354 | Bickle | Bertha | 2-Sep-00 | 14 | Canada | Whitby | Idle and disorderly | ||
355 | Madigan | Mary | 11-Oct-00 | 15 | Canada | Stoney Creek | Incorrigible | ||
356 | Sapp | Georgina | Tapp | 19-Oct-00 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Incorrigible | |
357 | Shepherd | Sarah Jane | 26-Oct-00 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
358 | Bowen | Jessie | 15-Jan-01 | 14 | Canada | Kingston | Larceny | ||
359 | Gray | Lilli | 26-Feb-01 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
360 | Beauvais | Amanda | 28-Feb-01 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Vagrancy | ||
361 | Stewart | Annie | 7-Mar-01 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Neglected child | ||
362 | Mills | Minnie | 24-Apr-01 | 16 | Canada | Ottawa | Incorrigible | ||
363 | Fox | Violet | 10-May-01 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
364 | Duval | Jane | 4-Jun-01 | 15 | Canada | Orillia | Vagrant | ||
365 | Beattie | Jennie | 5-Jun-01 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
366 | Phillips | Phoebe May | 19-Jun-01 | 14 | Canada | Toronto | Neglected | ||
367 | Cowel | Cora | Cowie | 27-Jun-01 | 15 | Canada | Incorrigible | ||
368 | Bellefor | Maud | 27-Jun-01 | 15 | Canada | Bellefoi | Inmate house of ill fame | ||
369 | Flaherty | Margaret | 28-Jun-01 | 13 | Canada | Guelph | Theft | ||
370 | McTague | Teresa | 13-Jul-01 | 17 | Canada | Hamilton | Larceny | ||
371 | Turner** | Bertha | 30-Jul-01 | 15 | Canada | Brantford | Theft | ||
372 | Navin | Martha | 8-Aug-01 | 13 | Canada | Napanee | Co-habitating with prostitute | pregnant, transferred to reformatory | |
373 | St. Armour*** | Louise | 12-Aug-01 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | previous #349 | |
374 | Whitford** | Mary | 20-Sep-01 | 16 | Canada | Ottawa | Vagrancy | ||
375 | O’Neil | Nellie | 20-Sep-01 | 13 | Canada | Kingston | Larceny | ||
376 | Griffin** | Maria | 23-Oct-01 | 15 | Canada | Dresden | Theft | ||
377 | Youngs | Gracie | 25-Oct-01 | 7 | Canada | Cambleford | Without parent uncontrollable | ||
378 | Allison | Coral | Carol | 4-Nov-01 | 13 | Canada | Belleville | Uncontrollable | |
379 | Caswell | Lucinda | 30-Nov-01 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Stealing | ||
380 | Ball | Alice | 11-Dec-01 | 17 | Canada | Hamilton | Loose, idle, disorderly, vagrant | ||
381 | Davis | Agnes | 11-Dec-01 | 20 | Canada | Hamilton | Loose, idle, disorderly, vagrant | ||
382 | Hart | Jessie | 23-Dec-01 | 15 | Canada | ? | Inmate house of ill fame | ||
383 | Plouffe | Blanch Natalie | 1-Jan-02 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Inmate house of ill fame | ||
384 | Morrow | Ethel | 21-Jan-02 | 13 | Canada | Ottawa | Incorrigible, beyond control | ||
385 | Binoski | Vina | 6-Feb-02 | 14 | Canada | Guelph | Theft of goods | ||
386 | Bilson | Leila | 3-Apr-02 | 17 | Canada | Ottawa | ? | ||
387 | Dyson | Edith | 4-Apr-02 | 11 | Canada | Hespeler | House breaking, theft, false pretense | ||
388 | Orr | Phyllis | 15-May-02 | 16 | Canada | Ottawa | ? to deal with under of the act | ||
389 | Major | Esther | 20-May-02 | 16 | Canada | Hamilton | Larceny | ||
390 | Milligan | Jessie | 4-Jun-02 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
391 | Mulholland | Maud | Maude | 12-Jun-02 | 15 | Canada | Hamilton | Incorrigible | |
392 | Sayer | Diana | 19-Jun-02 | 16 | Canada | Ottawa | Leading dissolute life | ||
393 | Barns alias Fox | Mary | 3-Jul-02 | 13 | Canada | Gravenhurst | False pretense | ||
394 | Murray | Violet | 25-Jul-02 | 17 | Canada | Hamilton | Vagrancy | Trans Reformatory | |
395 | Capes | Fanny | 25-Jul-02 | 18 | Canada | Hamilton | Vagrancy | Trans Reformatory | |
396 | Corneil | Bertha | 28-Jul-02 | 13 | Canada | Owen Sound | Incorrigible | ||
397 | Smith | Nellie | 30-Jul-02 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Incorrigible | ||
398 | Newbold | Ada | Newbald | 4-Aug-02 | 16 | England | Toronto | Vagrant | |
399 | Norton | Ina | 19-Sep-02 | 13 | Canada | Belleville | Uncontrollable | ||
400 | Fitzgibbons | Bertha | 11-Oct-02 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Theft | ||
401 | Long | Maud | 1-Nov-02 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | Trans Reformatory | |
402 | Handley | Estella | 3-May-03 | 15 | Canada | Belleville | Prostitute | ||
403 | Turner** | Josephine | 13-May-03 | 12 | Canada | Brantford | Without Salutary control | ||
404 | Fleming | Sarah | 15-May-03 | 16 | Canada | Ottawa | Prostitution | ||
405 | Bianofeki | Clara | Binofeki | 28-May-03 | 10 | Canada | Guelph | Larceny | Trans to Industrial ? |
406 | Dyson | Ethel | 28-May-03 | 14 | Canada | Guelph | Larceny, without control | ||
407 | Fraser | Ethel | 25-May-03 | 15 | Canada | Napanee | Without Salutary control | ||
408 | Lovell | Flossie | 4-Aug-03 | 15 | Canada | Galt | Theft | ||
409 | Brancer | Annie | Branciere | 3-Sep-03 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Raising a fire | |
410 | Miller | Mary | 9-Oct-03 | 15 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
411 | Brady | Annie | 20-Oct-03 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Prostitute | ||
412 | Harper | Margaret | 31-Oct-03 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Leading a dissolute life | Trans to Reformatory | |
413 | Blanshard | Lily | 3-Nov-03 | 13 | Canada | Ottawa | Immoral conduct | ||
414 | Archer | Anna | 20-Jan-04 | 15 | U. S. | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
415 | Holmes | Mary | 2-Mar-04 | 15 | England | Toronto | Vagrant | ||
416 | Burch | Mary | 6-Apr-04 | 14 | Canada | London | Leading a dissolute life | ||
417 | Brown | Annie | 30-Jun-04 | 15 | Canada | Brantford | Unable to be controlled by parent | ||
418 | Connell | May | 15-Jul-04 | 16 | Canada | Lindsay | Loose, idle, disorderly | ||
419 | Hollingsworth | Barbara Lavinia | 9-Sep-04 | 15 | Canada | Ottawa | Uncontrollable | ||
420 | Tanner | Mary | 21-Sep-04 | 16 | Canada | ? | Vagrant | ||
421 | McCallum | Maud | 19-Oct-04 | 16 | Canda | Brantford | Vagrant | ||
422 | Scott | Kathleen | 3-Feb-05 | 17 | England | Ottawa | Without relations or guardian | ||
423 | Forsyth | Olive Edna | 21-Mar-05 | 15 | Canada | Hamilton | Incorrigible | ||
424 | Pollisay | Nellie | 21-Oct-05 | 16 | United States | Hamilton | Incorrigible | ||
425 | Kizier | Annie | Vizier | 17-May-05 | 15 | Canada | Hamilton | Larceny | |
426 | Houghton | Emily | 18-May-05 | 16 | Canada | Alexandra School | Escape from Alexandra School for Girls | ||
427 | Fletcher | Agnes | 22-Sep-05 | 14 | Canada | Bobcaygeon | By order of Inspector | ||
428 | Woods | Ida Emily | 28-Oct-05 | 17 | Canada | Orillia | Vagrancy | ||
429 | Langston | Lillian May | 21-Oct-05 | 16 | Canada | Toronto | Unlawful vagrant |
Place of Residence - Industrial Refuge for Girls
Click on “view larger map” (top right corner of map) to explore the place of residence girls lived prior to being imprisoned at the Industrial Refuge for Girls and more. Note: as of April 8, 2024 we are currently adding new places of residence daily and hope to be finished in a few weeks.
Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women
Incarcerated women working in the Mercer for-profit laundries Annual Report, 1903
On August 28, 1880 the first two prisoners were admitted to the Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women. One month later, by the end of fiscal year of September 30, 1880. there were thirty women imprisoned at Mercer. By October 29, 1880, a call for tenders for labour of inmates was published in the newspapers; and thus began the terror of imprisonment for over 20,000 women, girls and their babies until the Mercer’s closure in 1969.
We hope to provide an index of 4725 names in the below database of the women who were incarcerated at Mercer from 1880 – 1917.
Please consider this index of names as a tertiary source and always consult the actual copies of the Andrew Mercer Reformatory for women’s registry by requesting your ancestors’ records at the Archives of Ontario.
This is ongoing research and may be subject to change as we locate details on the correct spelling of the names or racial origins. For now, we have simply transcribed how the registry identifies some of the women, for example:
*British Home Children (BHC)
Due to the limitations of historical records, we have not verified these entries on origins as complete or correct.
Check back later as we continue to update the database and correct any errors in the transcription of the women’s registry. Use the search window below by typing your ancestor’s name. On August 28, 2023 the first 30 names were transcribed of women who were incarcerated at the Mercer Reformatory.
September 12, 2023 new names have been added.
Search by name in the registry of the Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women
# | Surname | First Name | Alternate Spelling | Admitted | Age | Place of Birth | Place of Residence | Offence | Notes |
1 | Stump | Margaret | 28-Aug-80 | 19 | Ontario | Bradford | Prostitution | ||
2 | Mannah | Mary A | 28-Aug-80 | 34 | London Eng | Bracebridge | Procuring defilement of young girl | ||
3 | Shaw | Ida | 1-Sep-80 | 22 | Michigan or Canada | Abduction and escape from Gaol | |||
4 | Lamb | Anna | 1-Sep-80 | 27 | Canada | Forestville | Larceny | ||
5 | Young | Jane | 2-Sep-80 | 18 | Ireland | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
6 | Nuley? | Mary | 2-Sep-80 | 49 | Ireland | Toronto | Drunkenness | ||
7 | Wally | Mary | 2-Sep-80 | 45 | Canada | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
8 | McLaughlan | Hannah aka Harriet | 2-Sep-80 | 30 | Montreal | Toronto | Larceny | ||
9 | Robertson | Jane | 9-Sep-80 | 18 | Aylmer | Ottawa | Keeper House of Ill Fame | ||
10 | Franklin | Annie | 9-Sep-80 | 22 | Scotland | Ottawa | Vagrancy | ||
11 | McManis | Margaret | 9-Sep-80 | 24 | Vermont | Ottawa | Keeper House of Ill Fame | ||
12 | Boyer | Margaret | 9-Sep-80 | 26 | Vaudreuil | Ottawa | Inmate House of ill fame | ||
13 | Walsh | Margaret | 9-Sep-80 | 40 | Ireland | Gananoque | Prostitution and Vagrancy | ||
14 | Donnelly | Bridget | 9-Sep-80 | 56 | Ireland | Kingston | Stealing | ||
15 | Jenkins | Mary or Margaret | 9-Sep-80 | 20 | Port Hope | Port Hope | an idle person having no means of maintaining of herself | ||
16 | Fletcher | Sophia | 17-Sep-80 | 37 | Woolwich Eng | Toronto | Keeping House of Ill Fame | ||
17 | Walker | Martha | 17-Sep-80 | 23 | Kent Eng | Toronto | Inmate House of ill fame | ||
18 | Barker | Louisa | 17-Sep-80 | 28 | Ireland | Toronto | Drunkenness | ||
19 | McBurney? | Margaret | 17-Sep-80 | 19 | Cobourg | Toronto | Inmate House of ill fame | ||
20 | Foster | Mary | 17-Sep-80 | 26 | Cincinnati US | Toronto | Drunkenness | ||
21 | Fallen? | Mary | Fallon | 17-Sep-80 | 16 | Toronto | Toronto | Disorderly | |
22 | Horton? | Sarah | Stanton | 23-Sep-80 | 39 | Toronto | Hamilton | Drunkenness | |
23 | Baker | Mary | 23-Sep-80 | 46 | Ireland | Hamilton | Drunkenness | ||
24 | McGibbon | Elizabeth | 23-Sep-80 | 40 | Manchester Eng | Hamilton | Drunkenness | ||
25 | Fleming | Maria | 23-Sep-80 | 39 | Sligo Ireland | Hamilton | Keeps a disorderly house | ||
26 | Branagan | Annie | 23-Sep-80 | 29 | US | Hamilton | Larceny | ||
27 | Comers? | Annie | 23-Sep-80 | 26 | Ireland | Hamilton | Vagrancy | ||
28 | Sheehan | Margaret | 23-Sep-80 | 19 | Toronto | Hamilton | Inmate of house of ill fame | ||
29 | Irwin | Mary Anne | 23-Sep-80 | 18 | ? | Hamilton | inmate of disorderly house | ||
30 | Brown | Jessie | 23-Sep-80 | 23 | ? | Hamilton | Drunkenness | ||
31 | Smith | Mary | 2-Oct-80 | 46 | Ireland | Toronto | Vagrancy | ||
32 | McGuire | Eliza Jane | 2-Oct-80 | 24 | Canada | London | Larceny | ||
33 | Walton | Mary | 2-Oct-80 | 38 | England | Waterford | Vagrancy | ||
34 | Jones | Emily | 2-Oct-80 | 25 | England | London | Vagrancy | ||
35 | Ryan | Winnifred | 2-Oct-80 | 60 | Ireland | London | Vagrancy | Died March 18, 1881, discrepancy in age | |
36 | Grafton? | Matilda | 2-Oct-80 | 44 | England | London | Drunk & Vagrancy | ||
37 | Moore | Elizabeth | 4-Oct-80 | 27 | Kingston | Carlton | Larceny | ||
38 | Derry | Eliza | 4-Oct-80 | 38 | Ireland | Toronto | Larceny | ||
39 | Burns | Catharine | 4-Oct-80 | 40 | Ireland | Toronto | Larceny | ||
40 | Smith | Margaret | 4-Oct-80 | 23 | Kingston | Toronto | Larceny | ||
41 | Crawford | ? | 12-Oct-80 | 27 | Canada | Woodstock | Keeping house of ill fame | ||
42 | Doosling | Elizabeth | 12-Oct-80 | 16 | Canada | Woodstock | Inmate of house of ill fame | Transferred to Refuge #5 | |
43 | Rogers | Susan | 12-Oct-80 | 17 | Canada | St Catharines | Vagrancy | ||
44 | Hostter? | Sarah | 12-Oct-80 | 15 | Canada | St Catharines | Vagrancy | Transferred to Refuge #6 | |
45 | Moore | Bridget | 12-Oct-80 | 42 | Ireland | London | Vagrancy | ||
46 | McGuire | Mary | 12-Oct-80 | 45 | Ireland | St Catharines | Vagrancy | ||
47 | Dick | Mary | 22-Oct-80 | 36 | Germany | Brantford | Drunk & Disorderly | ||
48 | McPherson | Ann | 22-Oct-80 | 43 | Ireland | Hamilton | Drunk and Disorderly | ||
49 | Bowden | Anna | 22-Oct-80 | 24 | Belleville | Belleville | Keeper of house of ill fame | ||
50 | Davis | Elizabeth | 29-Oct-80 | 16 | Canada | Belmont | Vagrancy | Transferred to Refuge #8 | |
Ancestry Institutional Tree:
Ancestry Institutional Tree – Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women and Industrial Refuge for Girls
Was your deceased relative incarcerated at the Mercer Reformatory or the Industrial Refuge? We have added the censuses of Mercer from 1881-1931 to the institutional tree on Ancestry. If you have an account and want to view a searchable “List of all people” in the Mercer tree, click on this link or the Ancestry logo below to sign into your account.
Future Projects:
Get involved – Call for family stories
Check back later
A Virtual Cemetery Find a Grave – Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women and Industrial Refuge for Girls
Did your relative, or her infant or child, die while at the Mercer Reformatory or the Industrial Refuge? Some women and girls were released early if they were dying, therefore their death certificate may not indicate Mercer as the place of death. Many others were transferred to other institutions, such as Houses of Industry and Refuge (Workhouse), Ontario Hospitals (“Asylum”), Sanitoriums, or other such institutions and died there. If your relative died at Mercer, or with a connection to Mercer, please notify us and we may be able to add them to the virtual cemetery on Find a Grave coming soon.
07 Feb 1888, Tue · Page 1
Burnt down Levi Shantz's barn in Woolwich